Message from IAA President

Dr. M. Ajith Kumar

President, IAA

Dear friends, at the outset I thank you all for endowing upon me the responsibility of leading Indian Arthroplasty Association for the year 2023-2024. I humbly accept this great honour and shall strive my very best to carry forward the torch of our great Association.

IAA was the brainchild of visionaries at the turn of the last Century and its focus was to propagate the art and craft of Arthroplasty across the length and breadth of our Country.

This dream has become a reality now as evidenced by the the sheer strength of the academic content in our Conferences, attendance at our webinars, quality of discussions and interactions and the surge in membership. All this bodes well for the future.

We shall stick to the ethos of our founding fathers and continue with the mission to reach out to our younger collegues.

This we plan to achieve by continuing our Outreach programmes across the country with uniform Course content, enhance our footprint by engaging in regular webinars, within our Association, with IOA and with International Societies. Cadaveric courses are on the anvil and we also plan to enhance the number of fellowships- both National and Overseas.

We plan to bring out a Newsletter and a Journal of our Association on a regular basis.

In achieving all our objectives we have a dynamic team and with the support of each one of you we can make these objectives achievable.

Once again I wholeheartedly thank you all for the confidence reposed in me and together we shall make this a vibrant year for IAA.

Warm regards,
Dr. M. Ajith Kumar
President, IAA